Miscellaneous Photos

We stayed busy in the Galapagos and here are a few miscellaneous photos to prove it.

The first photo is just a good photo that I wanted to post. We spent a day or two wandering around Santa Cruz Island. It is the capital, center of commerce, most populated island, and has Puerto Ayora which is the biggest town in the Galapagos. 


The second photo is at the Charles Darwin Research Station. It actually has nothing to do with Charles Darwin, but uses his name to good advantage. It’s a tortoise research facility and they raise giant tortoises.

The third photo is on Floreana Island. It has a barrel that has acted as a no-stamps-required mailbox for sailors since 1793. We picked up a letter to mail and dropped one off to ourselves. We are still waiting for it.

The last photo is at a farm of one of the original families to inhabit the islands. They have cows, pigs, corn, and more. They asked our travel group who wanted to try milking a cow, expecting us tourists to stand back and look sheepish. Little did they know! Vicky and I showed them how it’s done.