Morning Fjord Walk and THE END

On the morning that we left Greenland, Vicky and I took a walk.  We covered the same area as last night’s walk but weaved over and around many new places along the way.

This trip was very interesting for us. Greenland and Iceland are close, safe, and have lots to offer. These photos and views are ones that we will never forget.

This photo is one that I should label "Fall color comes to East Greenland". And you don't have to look up sixty or eighty feet in a tree to see it. It's right there under your shoes.

We went through the Kulusuk Airport three times...and we never set foot inside the airport terminal. We flew in, picked up our luggage and reboarded our helicopter without ever going inside the terminal. On this, our last flight to leave Greenland, our van pulled up on the tarmac and we got out, grabbed our luggage, and got on the plane. Great safety.

This marks our flight back from Greenland and the end of our trip. It was a great one for us and I hope you enjoyed it.