Reykjavik - Off the Beaten Path

We did our share of wandering around Reykjavik just following our noses and had some fun doing it.  

We found the Asmundur Sculpture Garden on our first night in town.  The next day, our tour guide took our group there. Our guide told us that one highly unusual thing about Asmundur, the sculptor, was that he encouraged the children to climb on his sculptures - which was unheard of in the day. At that point, a woman in our group said, "Have you noticed that every sculpture has breasts?"

We visited the Botanical Gardens below.  It is not a great garden but it did have some very nice plantings.

We found an old cemetery just across the street from the National Museum.  Most of it was not kept up nearly as nice as this grave but it was interesting, quiet, and another of the few places with lots of trees in Iceland.

We wandered around Reykjavik walking about 11 miles on this day.  At one point, we wanted to get something to eat. As we were looking for a restaurant, I saw the event below and another like it across the street, down a side street from where we were walking. We went down to check it out and they gave us waffles and coffee and sent us to the backyard.

We ate the waffles and drank the coffee (lower right) but they would not take any money. It turned out that this weekend was their annual 'Birth of Reykjavik' celebration. The Mayor announced that he was making waffles and giving them away at his house in honor of the festivities. Evidently, several other townspeople decided to copy the mayor's lead. We just wandered down the right street. I again tried to pay them some money as we left but they would not take it.