Lake Myvatn

Lake Myvatn is part of the Namaskard geothermal area. The lake is 14.3 sq miles but is very shallow (like eight feet). This area is also a major wetlands and a nature preserve. We saw lots of birds, especially ducks.  

The area is also known as a pseudocrater area. Pseudo craters are not magma producing volcanic vents but rather are formed by gas explosions when boiling lava flowed over the cool wet surface some 2500 years ago.

In this photo, you can see the lake, plumes of hot steam in the background, and geese on the water in the foreground. The lake has lots of lake char in it which are caught using nets. Streams have trout and salmon.

This pseudocrater is an island in the lake. If you look very closely, you can notice the lower dirt near side of the crater and the greener and higher far side of the crater. 

This view is looking directly down into a pseudocrater from standing on its rim. They look like grass bunkers.

You can see a different pseudocrater island in the lake and a higher mountain across the lake.

This shows quite a few ducks in the lake, a farm right by the lake and a flat-topped mountain in the back left which was typical of many mountains in this area.