
Stykkisholmur is a fishing village where a trading post was founded in 1550.  We spent a couple of nights here, in order to prowl around the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.  It’s on the north side of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula which is in western Iceland.  Aside from fishing, this is a good location for tourists as a base to visit places in the area. Places to visit include taking the ferry to Breioafjorour fjord in the Westfjords, the Snaefellsnes glacier and other places in this diverse landscape.

I'm standing here at the base of the harbor which is the main feature in this small fishing village. You can see why this is such a protected harbor for the fishing boats. If you look at the top of the tall hill guarding the harbor and find the red lighthouse, I took the next photo from the lighthouse.

You can see most of the town in this photo. It was a nice quiet village that didn't take us very long to walk it all.

This small subdivision is to the left of the above photo and out of the picture. We saw kids playing and quite a few people riding bicycles around town.

This was the most interesting building in town. It's a church that was right next to our hotel. Our guide told us that the architect had changed professions and said that this design reflected his prior profession. Any guesses?

The architect used to be a dentist. We were told that we were looking at a tooth with a root. I missed that too.

The harbor was where the action was in Stykkisholmur.  Here we watched a fishing boat that had just come into the harbor and was unloading its cargo - a load of mussels. It made me hungry to stand there and watch.