Thermal Area

We had barely gotten out of Reykjavik heading northwest when the land started to smoke.  We were entering a thermal area and the signs were obvious.

This photo is from our moving bus at 60 km/hr but you can see that it is easy to determine that you are entering a thermal area.

This is not a tourist stop but just an area right off the highway. This house had several steaming areas near it.

This pond is literally just a few yards off the highway. You can see the steam. The hot water bubbles up near Vicky and is way too hot for a bath. But on the other side of this small pond, the water temperature was perfect for a bath.

We saw greenhouses near all the thermal areas. The farmers take advantage of the cheap water heating to make growing plants a profitable venture.  You can notice steam in front. 

You can see tomatoes growing in the greenhouse. What amazed me was that the tomato plants were so tall. They look more like bushes or small trees.