Erotic Stone Carvings

We are still at the same Khajuraho temple complex, which is the western complex.  These temples are perhaps most famous for their erotic stone carvings.  People come from all around the world to view these temples and carvings.  The interesting thing is that no one seems to know WHY the Chandelas carved these erotic scenes on their temples.  There are many theories.  One theory is that this was the center of tantric mysticism which regards sex as an important part of human development and the attainment of the ‘Absolute’.  Personally, I’m not even sure what that means.  Tantric also includes such things as yoga and so forth as part of this whole business.

Our time at these temples was short, maybe about two hours.  Since we didn’t have much time, I didn’t get many pictures, perhaps only a couple thousand.  Anyway, I will only be sending this one email of photos of the erotic stone carvings.  Mind you, these are only some of the X-rated stone carvings.  We saw plenty that were XXX-rated.   


Those who know Vicky and myself know that we are the type of people who “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”.  After two hours here, I suggested to Vicky that we should try and emulate some of these erotic stone carvings, to try and better understand the spiritual significance.  She didn’t say “no” but she stared at the carvings and looked very thoughtful.  At some length, she said that she didn’t think I could physically attain the ‘positions’ in the carvings.  I then asked her that IF I could attain the positions, would she consent to give them a try.  Again, she looked very thoughtful.  After awhile, she said that if I could prove to her that I could attain these positions, she would revisit the idea.

PS.  I start my new tantric yoga class on Saturday morning.