Nahargarh Ranthambhore

India was often times a difficult country to visit.  I do not, however, want anyone to think we were suffering while we were in India.  I have already stated that many times when we were out in the country, accommodations were difficult to obtain.  For reasons of safety and cleanliness, our tour company was obligated to feed us and board us at high end places since there wasn’t anything available in the middle range.  I have also pointed out that these were often times former fort/palaces.  That was the case when we arrived at the Ranthambhore area. 

You can see our hotel, the Nahargarh Ranthambhore, in the first photo.  It was at the end of a dirt road off of a gravel road off of the local highway.  There wasn’t anything right around it, but once there, we didn’t need anything else.  It was built in the style of the traditional Rajput hunting palaces.  Our guide said that the owner took down a palace somewhere else and built this place using most of the old palace materials.  It had courtyards, fountains, marble everywhere, a fabulous bar, gardens, a pool, excellent facilities, and even gold inlay work in the lobby.


You can see Vicky in the courtyard where our room was located in the second photo.  It was raining hard at the time so I was standing under the walkway across the courtyard.  Our hotel room was to the left of Vicky.


You can see the inside of our room in the third photo.  Actually, you can only see about half of our room.  Vicky is in the back having tea in our raised sitting room.
