Old Varanasi

Old Varanasi was much like Old Delhi and other old sections of ancient towns.  The labyrinthine streets and alleys were narrow and winding which made it difficult for invaders to find their way and gave the locals time to escape.  You can see a street in old Varanasi in the first photo.  I chose this photo since is curves back and forth allowing us to see further than on many other streets.  The second photo was taken on one of the bigger streets in old Varanasi.  I had never seen a rickshaw school bus before but we saw quite a few that morning in old Varanasi.


Marijuana is legal in India, or at least it is in Varanasi.  The government sells it.  They call it “bhang” which our local guide pronounced “bong”.  They sell it in various forms.  You can see some of the containers on the counter in the third photo.  They also sell marijuana cookies.  We had our local guide buy us one which you can see him holding up and pointing to in the photo.  And in case you are curious, remember, we were still trying to detach ourselves from the experience of eating a cow urine vitamin supplement.  The cookie was very good, something along the lines of an oatmeal cookie only denser and darker with a taste something like a good, high quality vegetable oil.  Vicky thought it tasted like alfalfa.
