Primitive Farming

We have now left Agra.  We took a train from Agra to Jhansi and then boarded another bus.  These photos were taken on the road between Jhansi and Khajuraho.  It was mostly flat farmland which all looked very good and productive.  The monsoons just ended so they had plenty of water and things were growing well.  I want to point out that these photos were really exceptions for the farmers.  Most Indian farmers had tractors.  I only saw a couple of farmers using more primitive techniques.  In the first photo, this guy was plowing using oxen.  I also got a photo of him doing the actual plowing but I liked this one better.  His family had just brought him some tea and food.


In the second photo, this woman is driving the oxen to turn the wheel on the well.  It turned the water lift and brought up the water from some thirty feet down inside the well.  It also brought up lots of frogs but they just jumped back down into the well.  The water then flowed right into an irrigation ditch and out into the farm field.  You can see the water falling out of the buckets in the center of the photo.


We were driving down the highway when our guide asked us to look out into the farm fields.  He asked us if we could see the wells out in the fields.  We told him that we could.  He asked if we could see the pumps on the wells.  We told him that we could.  He then asked us to remember them.  Later, he asked if we had seen the water pumps anywhere since we had seen them in the fields.  You can see one in the truck in the third photo.  When the farmers need to take a crop to town, they undo their water pump motor on their well and put it into their home-made trucks and go to town.  These trucks didn’t go very fast but it looked like they got where they were going and didn’t have to carry it.
