Town of Chomu

After lunch at the palace, we decided to walk around the town a bit.  It was a “small” town or village, by Indian standards.  I don’t know how many people, but not too many for India.  I don’t think that this town sees many tourists as we really caught people’s attention as we walked around.  But we didn’t attract any beggars and the hawkers hardly bothered with us, so I think they were just curious about us.

The first photo has some vegetables for sale in it.  I’m always big on the produce markets.  Their produce looked very good and that was true for all of India on our trip. 


The second photo was pretty typical of India.  Almost all of the women wear saris and for the most part, they were very colorful and very beautiful.


The third photo was along the main road through town.  There was very little open space to walk.  The cars and vehicles used up the whole street and the vendors and cows and everything else went right up to the street, so we had to weave our way along the road dodging in and out of the road, vendor’s space, parked vehicles, and resting cattle.
