Blarney Castle Grounds

     Blarney Castle sits on a 60-acre parcel of land. And while it's famous for its castle and the blarney stone, they have some great grounds. I would say that they are well prepared for tourists and visitors. We went right to the castle and up to kiss the blarney stone since there were so few people. But after we had finished and exited the castle, we spent some time walking around the grounds.

     The grounds include views, paths, creeks, bridges, an arboretum, woodlands, and other places to see.

     Some of the best views we got were from the castle itself. You can see a few of the special gardens on the ground. Others are hidden by the trees. We spent the most time in the "poisons garden." (poisonous plants)

     Blarney Castle also had a large carriage house or carriage area devoted to horses with many different horse conveyances in the barns.

     We also saw some stone circles such as the Druid's Circle. Below was just a small part of one stone circle.