Ilana Goor Museum

Our major stopping point on this morning in Old Jaffa was the Ilana Goor Museum. The museum stands on a hill overlooking Old Jaffa and the port. The museum was founded in 1995 by Ilana Goor, an artist, designer, and sculptor. Ilana Goor also lives in the museum so it’s also her residence.

I’m not much of an art museum buff but I have to say that I found this museum incredibly interesting. It was a terrific visit. The whole museum is more like a wild eclectic collection of the extent of Ilana Goor’s universe. I read that she considers this to be her ‘university’. I enjoyed our visit here.  

To give you an idea, I took the first photo substantially before we visited the museum. At the point of taking this photo, I had no idea that it was a place we would visit. I just found it a fascinating photograph. It’s Ilana Goor’s museum and residence. The museum was three floors of interesting art works.

The 2nd photo will give several clues as to why I liked her works. Much of her work is “functional” art, as in the case of the chairs you see. She also likes to use natural materials such as wood, hides, and bones. I liked that too. It also seemed to me that she has a whimsical side and that suits me as well.

The photo below shows a picture of Ilana Goor. There were many of them in the museum but this one was my favorite of her. If she wasn’t an old hippie, she should have been.

The table in the 4th photo was one of her more complicated works. The sign reads: ‘The Morning After’, done in 2004. I think I was at that party.

The last photo was outside on the third floor. She had some great works out there. Other rooms and collections included art from Old Roman times, African artworks, kitchen artworks, and works by unknown artists. Art works vary by both places and times and there isn’t a sterile looking inch in the entire museum. The whole museum is a work of art.