End of my North Africa Trip

     We have finally come to the end of our trip to North Africa. That included Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco.  We learned a lot and had many interesting adventures and experiences. It was well worth the effort to find out about a part of the world that we knew very little. While much of what we experienced was expected, much of it was unexpected, and that’s why we travel.    

      These photos will be from all three countries and are just my way of wrapping up our trip. Thanks for coming along with me.

I also want to thank my son, Andrew, for all his technical support. I had problems with my camera, computer, software updates, and power outages. I’m not sure I would have managed to stay with it without Andrew’s help and encouragement. 

The photo below was at the Sidi Fredj Seaport in Algeria. The harbor was completely lined with fisherman, but the only one that I saw who was really paying attention to the end of a fishing pole was orange.

     The photo below was at the top of Chenini in the Tataouine District of Tunisia. Our Tunisian guide is on the left and our local Berber guide is in the middle. The mountain behind us on the left is a famous landmark in the Star Wars movies.

     I haven’t been including any cat photos, but cats were everywhere in north Africa. They were part of the fabric as it were. 

     Our tour included stops at five Roman ruins this trip. Each was interesting and unique.   

     Buying gifts for the grandchildren was somewhat costly but we enjoyed their faces when we gave them their gifts.

     Vicky and I managed to take some time to just enjoy being in north Africa, with its own special ambience.

     Here’s the angel that I travel with, and she’s just as game as I am on these trips, as you can see.

     I’ll end with sunset in the Sahara Desert which was a treat to experience.