Indiana Jones Bridge

     Has everyone seen the movie “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?” If you have, there’s a scene near the end of the movie where Indiana Jones crosses a bridge that, to say the least, is a little skeptical on its integrity. The bridge that we were supposed to cross from the village to our home-hosted lunch got re-opened just as we reached it on our way back to the bus.    

     I had already asked if I could walk across it and was told no by our guide when the bridge repair guys said the repairs were all finished and the bridge was now open. I didn’t even wait for our guide, I headed straight for the bridge and was the first person beside the repairman to cross it. It was quite an experience.

     The first photo was on our way to lunch when the bridge was closed. I took this photo and you can see the missing boards so I wasn’t surprised that the bridge was closed.

     The next two photos are ones I took walking across the bridge on the way back to the bus. Our guide kept yelling at me to hang onto the cables and quit taking photos. Of course, sometimes I can’t hear very well so I kept taking photos.  

     These photos should give you some idea of how bad the boards were that they replaced. 

     You can notice Vicky and the others keeping their heads down to watch where they made each step.   

     Vicky is showing the proper technique for crossing this bridge: head down, hands on the cable rails, and not taking photos.