Jemaa el-Fnaa

     The Jemaa el-Fnaa is one of the highlights of Marrakech. It’s a sprawling open-air square and marketplace that is part of the Marrakech medina. The medina is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Jemaa el-Fnaa is a vibrant, pulsating, and lively place. We visited there twice and still probably only saw a small fraction of all the action. It was a bit of a spectacle. Medieval and modern are mixed together in this square. It has music, dancing, games, and a huge food area with endless restaurants to choose from. We walked here one morning and again another afternoon and evening and the action never ceased. 

     The first photo is on our arrival here one morning. It looked to be quiet to me but as we walked, music was constantly blaring, people were dancing, vendors were enticing, restaurants were recruiting, and we saw all we could.

     This was one of the many music groups and they also had dancers with them.

     The snake charmers were spread around the square. If you look close, the cobra’s head is quite near me but it can be hard to see as its head is the same color as my pants. He looked ready to rumble.

     Vicky had to go and show off…but hey, that was one of the smallest snakes.  

     The last photo is the square at night. We were up on a rooftop having a drink before dinner – on another rooftop. Most of the square is to the left of this photo but the well-lit section is the restaurant area. It got incredibly crowded by the time that we finished our dinner. In fact, the whole square got incredibly crowded.