Welcome to Tangier, Morocco

     Our last north African country on this trip was Morocco. We spent almost a week there. In addition, Vicky and I stopped in Tangier, Morocco back in February, 2019 on an Iberian Peninsula ship tour. I never posted that trip, so I’ll add Tangier to our two other Moroccan stops from this trip.  

     This first post is from our stop in Tangier. We spent just over half a day there.      These are photos from Tangier, Morocco.

     The first photo is similar to other major cities right on the Mediterranean. They needed a big wall for protection and security from invaders. Tangier was founded in the fifth century BC and has been invaded by everyone that invaded all the other north African locations.

     Tangier is quite the modern city in certain areas. This view shows that.

     The third photo is typical, with modern buildings mixed with older buildings and a strong indication that this is an Islamic country.

     We ate lunch at the Hotel Continental. We were in the green area right in the middle of the photo, with a fabulous view of the Mediterranean.  

     The last photo shows an old canon and a modern yacht harbor area. It also shows how narrow the western entrance is to the Strait of Gibraltar. It’s only about eight miles wide. That gives a great sense of just how strategic this area is and has been throughout history.