Algeria Miscellaneous

This post will be my last from Algeria. It’s going to be a miscellaneous post of a few things that I’ve left out. We enjoyed our week in Algeria and our many visits and adventures. After this, it’s on to Tunisia.

The first photo is in the Kasbah in the High City. This was the operation for picking up garbage. It was very low tech.

The next photo is inside one of the very old palaces in the Kasbah in Algiers that we visited. From the outside, one might think they were entering a pathetic old building full of rubble, but that was hardly the case. Each palace was a pleasant surprise to see and at one time must have been magnificent.

Vicky is bargaining for bracelets in the third photo. This guy was a tough vendor. He would go from person to person, seemingly never finishing his bargaining with each one. Then he would go back through everyone again and again before anyone had a settled transaction. Vicky managed to buy two bracelets of ancient Berber designs.

Driving in Algeria was always a challenge. Around the next corner could be sheep, goats, cows, or horses.

The last photo was at the Botanical Garden of Hamma in Algiers. We were back in Algiers to fly to Tunisia. This is a very large, multi-use garden. It has 79 acres of botanical gardens, 94 acres of gardens, and 49 acres of arboretum. Its size and usage has changed over the years since it was established in 1832. According to our guide, one Banyan tree was the main tree that Johnny Weissmuller used to swing from in the movie ‘Tarzan the Ape Man,” in 1932.