Algiers, Home-hosted Lunch

One of the things we really like about our travel company, OAT (Overseas Adventure Travel) is that they arrange for home-hosted meals, both lunches and dinners. This trip had more home-hosted meals than most of our OAT trips and these meals were some of the real highlights of the trip. It’s a chance to go inside someone’s home, meet and talk to them, and get a good, local, homemade meal.

     This lunch in Algiers was inside the Kasbah in the High City in a 10th century home. The family that hosted us has lived there for well over one-hundred years and it is a multi-generational family residence.

The first photo is where our bus stopped to let us off for this lunch. At that point, it looked a little dodgy to me.

We eventually arrived at the street in the second photo and the last door on the right was to our home visit.

The home was multi-story and hard to capture in photos. This will just give an idea of what it was like. I found it very impressive for being around since the 10th century.

This is the daughter (our hostess and server) and her mom (the cook) in their kitchen. To give you an idea, I was standing with my back against the back wall of the kitchen to take this photo. It was a very small kitchen.

Lunch was on the second floor (I think). Then, we went up one or two floors to get to the roof. They really have a great view plus room for plants and pets to roam.

We had tea and dessert up on the roof. (this photo is just 180 degrees from the prior photo)

They had multiple pets. There are two in the last photo and they seemed to get along just fine. They also had birds.