Sahara Desert Camp

Our Sahara Desert Camp was quite remote. There was not a lot to it: tents, a dining room, a shower room, and a fire pit, but not much more. It was hot in the day and cold at night. The stars shown brightly. It was as quiet as can be. We loved our time in the Sahara, except for the flies…which were relentless during the day. 

These are photos from our Sahara Desert camp. We enjoyed our time in the Sahara Desert so much that we would have liked more time there but we made the best of the time that we had.  

     The first photo is one view of our camp. I’m trying to show that it’s rather simple and isolated.

     I know that some people ‘worry’ about Vicky and I on our crazy travels, such as camping in the Sahara. I put in the next two photos to immediately relieve any worries that we were suffering out in the Sahara. 

     The tents are much bigger than they look, even just standing next to them. They were quite spacious and also included a bathroom with sink and toilet. We were not suffering.

     It’s easy to think that you are all alone out in the Sahara but if you pay attention, you quickly realize that you are not all alone. I’m not sure what critter we were sharing the desert with from these tracks.

     As far out in ‘Tatooine’ as we were (for Star Wars fans), we could not seem to shake Obi-wan Kenobi on our travels in this part of Tunisia. He seemed to be following us across the Sahara.

     You can take Vicky off the farm, but she’s still Vicky, even at sunrise in the Sahara Desert.

     I loved just looking at the dunes and the extended views of the Sahara. It seemed very magical.

     No trip to the Sahara would be complete without riding camels. We had an hour camel ride and loved every minute of it.

     We have ridden camels in multiple countries such as India and Mongolia. Every other time, the people have had us sit up close to the front of the camel’s head and even told us we could put our feet over their necks. But in the Sahara, they told us to sit way back in the saddle. I don’t know why but it felt odd to be sitting so far back in the saddle.

     Vicky is comfortable no matter what she’s riding or where she’s sitting in the saddle.