6G Tea House

We reached the Plain of Six Glaciers Tea House at 1:30pm and ordered some lunch.  The 6G Tea House was built in 1924.  In the early days of developing back-country tourism in this area, the Canadian Parks department imported some Swiss guides to help them.  The Swiss guides encouraged the Canadians to put in some back country Swiss chalet buildings for the back-country tourists, much like they have in Switzerland.  The Tea House was one of these buildings, as was the Abbot Pass Hut.

You can see the 6G Tea House in the first photo and you can see Andrew, Vicky and myself on the upper outside area.  We would have much preferred to be inside, but all the seats inside were taken.  But by then, we were happy to have any seats and to get something to eat.  In the second photo, you can see Vicky with some homemade hummus, chips, and a mocha.  And in the third photo, you know you trained your children right when you see them drinking their tea with their pinkie fingers extended.  Always with class.