Abbot Pass Viewpoint

Once we made it off the upper end of the lateral moraine cliff, we thought we had it made.  It was less than a mile to the Abbot Pass Viewpoint and should have been an hour roundtrip.  We were not on the trail, however.  We had to rock hop on loose moraine and then plow our way through some pretty deep snow drifts.  But we were in no hurry and the sun even came out for a short while.  We eventually got there and could look down into the crevasses on Lower Victoria Glacier which you can see in the first photo.  We could also see Abbot Hut which is one of the highest buildings in Canada.  You can see Abbot Hut in the second photo.

Despite the fact that it looks cold, it was actually quite nice temperature wise.  We took time to enjoy the views and then headed back down the mountain.