Idaho Moose Crossing

We were driving up north on Highway 93 making a beeline for Glacier in a rather open landscape when I spotted a moose on my left heading for the highway.  We stopped along the road and for the entire time we were there watching the moose and taking photos, not a single other vehicle passed us.  It was our first big game sighting and we got pretty excited.  This guy turned out to be a rather comical moose as well. 

You can see him in the first photo just strolling across the highway, seemingly without a care in the world.  Then all of a sudden, he got jiggy with it: he really didn’t seem to like the stripes on the road.  I don’t know if he thought they were a cattle guard or what, but he didn’t want anything to do with those stripes.  Andrew got a great photo of him trying to avoid stepping on the yellow lines in the second photo.  Then as we watched him stroll up the other side from the road, he didn’t even slow down at the fence.  The fence was probably three and a half to four feet high and he just stepped over it like it wasn’t even there.  You can see that in the third photo which was one of April’s.  He was over it and moving on before we could blink.  You can see him walking off through the sagebrush in the fourth photo.