Kootenay National Park

We left Yoho National Park and went into Kootenay National Park.  We drove Highway 93 north to Highway 1.  It was a nice drive but there were far fewer places to stop in Kootenay.  This will be my only Kootenay post.  We were still encountering periods of rain, fog, sun, clouds, and back to rain.  The view in the first photo was somewhat common on this drive. 

We stopped at a place called the Paint Pots.  I was disappointed by their lack of color.  It may be due to so much water runoff early in the year, but I don’t know for sure.  You can see two paint pots in the second photo, the large one in front and the small one in the back.  But the walk to the Paint Pots was along and, in part, through the Ochre River.  You can see part of the Ochre River in the third photo.

We stopped at Numa Falls but it was very late in the day.  We hiked for several miles there.  There were falls but the real draw is that the water has scored the canyon very deeply.  We saw at least a handful of places similar to this place on our trip.  The last photo is from our Numa Falls hike.  The colors were brilliant from the water to the rock to the mosses and lichens to the trees and shrubs and sky.

We got back to camp at 10:00pm – so much for our ‘relaxing’ day.