North Saskatchewan River

We are still driving north on the Icefields Parkway, and still stopping at every lake, falls, trail, and turnout.  The rivers were beautiful and had cut through rock in many places, so they were like a bunch of miniature Grand Canyons, only twisting with lots of exposed layers of rock and huge amounts of water flowing down them.  You can see two such places along the North Saskatchewan River in the first two photos.  Andrew (photo 1) and me (photo 2) might look like we are being daring but we weren’t.  We did see, however, a bunch of people who needed their heads examined, based on places they were standing and things they were doing.  We saw far too many of these places to show in my emails plus it was hard to capture in photos all the depths and falls and excitement of these places.

A bit farther along but still on the North Saskatchewan River, we saw a black bear near the road and along the river.  You can see this bear in the third photo.  I love our photos of this with the beautiful water, the varied trees, the grasses, rocks, and dandelions.  The bear was eating the dandelions and there was no shortage of them.  I always get inquiries about how close were we to the bears.  In this case, we were about 10 feet from the bear at one point.  You can get a better idea from the last photo.