Yoho National Park

The day after our exciting hike to the Plain of Six Glaciers, we decided to try for a more relaxing day.  The day was supposed to be sunny but it was overcast with periods of rain.  We spent most of the day driving and stopping to take in all the sights.  We started by driving west on Highway 1.  We soon entered Yoho National Park.  One of the first sights that we saw was Mount Bosworth, high above Kicking Horse Pass.  We made too many stops to talk about them all and show all the pictures, so this will just be a few highlights of our trip through Yoho National Park.

The first photo is Hamilton Falls.  It was a short hike (in periods of heavy rain) above Emerald Lake.  It was quite interesting in that the falls were framed and inside of the rock of the mountain.  I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a falls quite like that. 

The next photo is Emerald Lake which was a beautiful colored lake.  If you look at the first picture of Emerald Lake (2nd photo), you can see the huge avalanche right across the lake.  We thought that it was a relatively old avalanche, perhaps a year or more ago.  We were wrong.  The trees from the slide were still floating in the lake which you can see in the third photo.  The avalanches up in this part of the world were abundant and dramatic.

Another stop, near the edge of Yoho National Park, was Wapta Falls.  It required another hike and was well worth it.  Wapta Falls, which you can see in the last photo, reminded me of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.  In both cases, the falls hits the bottom and the water is blocked by other rock and the mist is forced to rise.  Wapta Falls had lots of water flowing over it and the spray shot high in the air.  There were many more falls along the river but this was the big one.