Ferry to Oslo

We used lots of different means of transportation this trip.  In this case, we took an overnight Ferry from Copenhagen, Denmark to Oslo, Norway.  I knew that Scandinavia had lots of islands and curved coast lines and that Ferries were common transportation so I was pleased to try one out.  This Ferry ride was over 29 hours.  We departed Copenhagen at 4:30pm and arrived in Oslo at 9:45am.  Some people worried about getting sea sick but the water was like glass most of the time and our ride was completely smooth sailing.  I would highly recommend the Ferries. 

You can see our Ferry in the first photo.  This is it parked in Oslo the next morning but it was the only opportunity that I had to get a good photo of the whole ship.  As you can see, it was not a small Ferry.


You might look at a map and think, like I did, that we would be spending a good amount of time in open water and at times have exposure to the open seas.  That was mostly incorrect.  We skirted along the Swedish coastline.  The maps don’t usually show it, but there were lots of islands off the coast and most of the time, we were between islands and the water was calm.  Also, we were usually looking at houses along the way, at least during the daylight hours.  I don’t know what we missed while sleeping but most of our awake time, we saw scenes like in the second photo.  You can also notice how calm the water is outside of our ship’s wake.


I wouldn’t want anyone to think we were suffering at all in riding the Ferry.  It had multiple bars and you can see Vicky and myself in one in the third photo.  It also had multiple restaurants.  For dinner, we had good seafoods, shrimp, cheeses, pork tenderloin, BBQ ribs, and desserts.  The ship also had a large grocery type store and good shopping opportunities.  If you don’t believe me, just ask Vicky and Nora.


I had my best night’s sleep of the entire trip the night of this Ferry ride.  You can see that our bedroom was small in the fourth photo but it was a very comfortable bed and the quiet water and ship’s engines and slight movement put me right to sleep and kept me there. 


We were near to pulling into Oslo in the last photo.  We spent quite a bit of time out on deck on both ends of the trip.  The views were good but it did get cool at times.  This view of Norwegian housing is very typical.
