Flam to Bergen, by Train

Flam is a small village but it has lots of transportation options.  Most people arrive by cruise ship.  We arrived by bus on the highway but left by train for the rest of our trip to Bergen.

The train to Bergen took two trains.  The first train was from Flam to Myrdal and the second train was from Myrdal to Bergen.  The first leg was on an old train that was billed as “one of the world’s most beautiful train journeys”.  You can see the first train in the first photo.  This was it as it was leaving Flam (the day before actually, since we were on it the day we left).  The train followed the river much of the time but we passed a wildly diverse landscape along the way.


The second photo shows several things of interest.  First, it’s easy to understand why Norway has so many road tunnels.  Second, it’s very steep mountains even if not that high.  Third, we saw lots of waterfalls along our way.  There was water everywhere.  This is just a little side creek flowing into the river that we were following to Myrdal.


We changed trains in Myrdal.  Myrdal was not actually as cold as it looks in this photo.  We left our cute old historic train and boarded a new modern electric train.  You can just see the edge of it on the right, the red train.  It was extremely quiet, comfortable, and smooth riding.  Our train journey had 30 potential stops along the way but we didn’t stop at most of them.  I guess no one was getting on or off at those places.


The last two photos are just photos from the train ride.  The first was taken closer to Myrdal of a lake along the tracks and the second was a small farming area closer to Bergen.
