Helsinki Miscellaneous

This post will be the end of Helsinki and the end of Finland.  I just had a few odds and ends to throw out there from Helsinki.

The art work in the first photo is near the Museum of Contemporary Art.  Where else but in a Nordic country will you find an art work of a fish that big?  The fish is in the middle of the three art pieces, standing on its tail.


When most people think of museums, it’s often in an old building and full of old things.  The Amos Rex Museum is in the second photo.  We didn’t go in here but it certainly is an unusual look for a museum.  It appears to be bubbling out of the ground.  The bubbles were empty at this time because it was drizzling rain but earlier there were kids climbing all over them.  It opened in 2018 and is some type of art museum.


We didn’t see very much ‘fast food’ in Scandinavia but of course, they do have some.  On this day in Helsinki, it was lunch time but we wanted to catch the next Ferry out to Suomenlinna.  We didn’t have much time so we decided to grab a quick bite in the market square area where we were catching the Ferry.  I had a Moose Meat Pie as you can see in the photo.  It was quite good and certainly not your ordinary fast food. 


When I think of these cities that have been around for a thousand years or more, I sometimes wonder how they work today’s world into their old structure.  I saw the road in the fourth photo when we were walking the town on our own.  My guess is that this was an old “moat” at one time.  Ancient structures like city walls and moats can certainly be creatively worked into today’s world and create a real asset.


The Finnish people are known to use a minimum of words.  They are simply not “small talkers”.  But this guy on the other end of my bench in Helsinki was beyond that.  He wouldn’t even glance in my direction.  Oh well, so much for Finland, now it’s on to Stockholm, Sweden.
