Oslo Food

We did an awful lot of hiking in Oslo and I must have been really hungry because I forgot to take a lot of food pictures of our meals.  Nonetheless, I will add an Oslo food post anyway.

My first photo is just a dinner salad.  I put this in to say that the salads and vegetables in Scandinavia were excellent.  Everything was very crisp and fresh.  The fruits, unfortunately, were not so good.  We were offered plenty but the fruits were mostly just not ripe at this time.  This salad was at the Louise Restaurant.  Our dessert here was also excellent, a creme brulee, which you can see in the second photo – with a raspberry and mint leaf.


I took the third photo in the Vulkan Food Hall.  This sign was in a meat market and they had lots of sausages of all types.  They had samples and we tried them all.  Each was a bit different and all were reasonably good.  We had moose and whale a couple of times on this trip and reindeer frequently in Norway. 


After Sunday dinner on Mother’s Day, Nora and Vicky decided that we would go out for dessert.  It was still a nice evening and daylight until after 10pm so out we went.  We went to the harbor area of central Oslo.  We got to this point right here in the fourth photo and it was decision time.  Behind the girls was a bar and to the right, the red building was an ice cream place.  Pete and I told them it was Mother’s Day, you choose.



You can see Vicky’s choice in the last photo.  Happy Mother’s Day!
