It seems like it’s time for a Quiz.  My last post got me to thinking about it and I will start off with the first photo from that post (also above).  This quiz will just be about Norway and only from the middle section of the coast.

1.     The people in the first photo are all in line and the line was at least a half block long.  This was about 10 am.  WHAT are they waiting in line for?


2.     The second photo was in Trondheim and we were driving through a tunnel from our ship into town.  What is the specific roadway feature inside this tunnel?


3.     All of our travel group was looking at the specific feature in the third photo that was in the town of Trondheim.  What is this feature?


4.     The Nidaros Cathedral is in the fourth photo.  It is built over the burial site of King Olav II who became the patron saint of Norway.  The cathedral was built from 1070 to 1300 but additions and renovations continued intermittently until 2001.  The cathedral is covered with sculptures of both historic and religious figures.  There are many stories behind the people and creatures immortalized in stone.  At the very top of the north (left in photo) tower is the winged archangel Michael depicted fighting evil in the form of a dragon.  Whose face was carved onto the archangel Michael?    


5.     The last photo was a selfie while we were cruising a relatively narrow fjord.  What time of day was it when we took this photo?
