Are you ready to go to southern Africa?

Vicky and I got back from southern Africa at the beginning of this month (10/1/2015).  Work, technology, and grandkids have slowed my blog delivery a bit, but I’m working hard to bring our last trip to life.

Our three-week trip had lots of highlights.  One main highlight was that our daughter, Cory, came along with us on this trip.  One of the best parts of that, aside from enjoying Cory’s company, is being able to use all of her good photos.  We visited four countries: Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.  We also made a couple of short jaunts into Namibia, specifically the Namibian panhandle.  We saw lots of animals as we spent twelve days out in national parks or in reserves that bordered national parks, sleeping in tents or tent cabins.  We were camped right out among the wild animals, with no fences at any of the camps.  We had plenty of excitement out in the wilds…

It was a long trip in many ways.  For instance, we had 13 flights this trip and spent about 54 hours in the air.  To be sure, the flights from San Francisco to Atlanta and from Atlanta to Johannesburg and back were the bulk of the flight time, but we also had a lot of short flights on very small planes.  How small?  Well to give you a hint, I got to fly co-pilot four times, much to my fellow passengers consternation…

So get ready for a great trip to southern Africa.  I’ve included a few photos to hint about what’s to come. 

About the photos: the lion is in Chobe National Park.  The next three photos are from the Okavango Delta near Moremi National Park. These are some of Cory's great photos.