Kasane to Banoka, Botswana

We flew from the Kasane Airport, about an hour drive from Chobe National Park, to Banoka, which is in the Okavango Delta.  From Kasane Airport, we flew in a 7-seater airplane.  We met our pilot out on the runway and he showed us a map of our hour flight to Banoka.  Then he gave us our safety instructions and asked if we had any questions.  I asked if I could fly co-pilot and he said, “Sure, come on up, but don’t touch anything”.  It was that kind of flight.  I had a great seat for viewing but there really wasn’t much to see.  Our flight was over a dry, leafless woodland with no animals and no water.  It’s the dry season in southern Africa.

Landing in Banoka was not much better.  The Okavango Delta doesn’t have much water this time of the year.  You can see my photo from the plane shortly before we landed.  This will give you a good idea of what the Okavango Delta looks like this time of the year.

There wasn’t much to the Banoka Airport.  It was just a landing strip in the woodland country.

Although, it wasn’t totally without amenities.  It did have a safety station which you can see under the end of the plane’s wing.

Upon closer inspection, I really didn’t feel all that safe having the safety station, but that was all there was to the Banoka Airport.