Camp Food

The food this trip was very good and we got plenty of it.  I would say that the food was not a major part of this trip but meal time was a great part of the day as we discussed our day and what we had seen and done.  Almost all of the meals were served buffet style, so I didn’t get very many photos of our food.  But as you will see, I did manage to take a few food photos.

The first photo is a freshly baked crocodile bread.  The fresh baked bread this trip was really a highlight.  I would say that the bread was so good, that four or five times, I would have been perfectly happy to just eat the bread for my meal, it was that good.  You can also see a nice plate of fresh fruit and melons next to the bread.  Fresh fruit and melons were another staple of our camp meals.

Salads and vegetables were served with every meal.  In this photo, I managed to get three salads that we had for lunch one day in the photo.  All three were very good.  They were all fresh, tasty, and well presented.

While the food was usually rather simple, we did have some fancy items on occasion.  These mushrooms were in a flavorful sauce and served on top of puff pastry and were excellent.

This was a deep-fried cheese dumpling that we were served as an appetizer.  I had several of them.

We didn’t get to see much of the cooking or food preparation, with one exception.  We did get to see plenty of BBQ action.  That’s because it was usually done right out in the open on the edge of camp.  And since there were only sixteen of us and they prepared plenty of meat, we could have all we wanted to eat…and I did.