Where's Waldo?

Southern Africa was a different game-viewing experience from eastern Africa.  At times, it reminded me of the “Where’s Waldo” books that we read to our kids when they were young.  The book's whole focus was trying to find the Waldo character in the pictures.  So I’m going to give you a glimpse of why game viewing in southern Africa reminded me of the “Where’s Waldo” books.  Find the animals in these photos. I will add that I had many other photos that made the animals even harder to find.

There are two animals in this first photo.  These are the two primary water animals that we saw in the Okavango: hippos and crocs.

I put this in just to show that even with animals as big as elephants, they can be hard to find at times in the woodlands.  I believe there are at least 10 elephants in this photo.

This one is really tough, but no tougher than our trying to find it and photograph it.  A leopard is right in the middle of the photo.  He sprang up from the grass right in front of our land rover but before we could pull up our cameras and start shooting photos, it had made it into the nearby woods.

There are multiple hippos in this Okavango scene, but of course, they are wearing their Okavango camouflage….

Giraffe’s are another animal that you would not imagine would be hard to spot.  But on numerous occasions, we nearly passed them by before someone noticed a head or some legs.