Lufupa River Animals

We did two river game drives during our stay at Kafue National Park.  Our first river game drive was on the Lufupa River and it was in the morning.  The river game drives were very similar to our regular game drives, but much cooler and not dusty.  We saw plenty of animals and had plenty of exciting sightings.  It was a nice change.

This is a baby crocodile.  Our guides said it was about nine months old.  It was probably close to three feet long.  I don’t know if it was laying on the log to get warm or to stay away from predators but it never moved and we stayed here for quite a while.

This monitor lizard photo could have been a “Where’s Waldo” photo.  It was quite a ways up in a tree that was overhanging the river.  We were parked under it, but not right under it.  We saw another monitor lizard walking on the river bank.  As we sat and watched this monitor lizard, Carl, one of our fellow travelers, asked me, “Bill, the important question here is what kind of wine do you serve with monitor lizard?”  It seems like sometimes, I just can’t get away from work…

This crocodile was a really big one.  It was right next to our small boat, so close that I could almost reach it.  This crocodile kept turning around and around in a tight circle and making quite a big splash while doing it.  We never did figure out what it was doing, but it was exciting to see and to try and figure out what was happening.

The Lufupa River was full of hippos.  At times we could see ten or more.  They popped up and down below water level all the time so it was difficult trying to get photos.  Many of the river hippos were really large, like a couple in this photo.  You can also see a baby in this one.  Our boat was not that big so we steered clear of them, but it was hard to do sometimes since there were so many in the river.

We saw game animals, even when we were on the river.  We are on our morning tea break in this photo, but as you can see, we were still viewing game along the river.