Night Game Drives

We went on two night game drives, one in Kafue National Park and one in Hwange National Park.  I’ll combine photos from the two night game drives into this one post.  We didn’t see very many animals but it was an interesting experience.  Knowing that some of the predators liked to climb trees and the fact that we were driving under trees and couldn’t see very much was the interesting part.  The good news was that it was much cooler at night.  If it just wasn’t so dark…

This is an Open-billed stork in the fading light of early evening.  You can see in this photo how this stork gets its name.

An owl is somewhat of an expected sighting on a night game drive.  This one was right next to the road and showed plenty of patience with my taking the photo.

We heard this lion but we waited a long time before he came out of the woods.  When he did, he walked down this road for quite a while.  We followed a short distance behind it and the lion seemed to pay us no attention at all.  I’m not sure where he was headed but it seemed that the walking was much easier on the road than through the woods.

This photo was from Hwange and just below our camp.  This is a wild dog and it was really dark at this point.  This was the only good wild dog photo but we saw eight adults and eleven puppies in this pack.  The pack was loud at times and very antsy.  They seemed concerned about us but they didn’t run away.  They just stirred around in the same area while we watched them.

The night game drive ended but not the night wildlife.  You can see Cory and Vicky dancing up a storm with the rest of our crew and the staff.