Chobe Signs

I probably should have started our tour of Chobe National Park with this first photo.  But aside from showing off part of my family, the park entrance sign has some interesting information on it.  Our tour operators followed the rules of the park quite closely, we never drove off road, we never littered, and we never slept out in the open… 

A highway cuts through Chobe National Park.  The highway has gates on it on both sides of the park and at the appropriate hour, they close the gates and lock up the park.  But this photo is a few of the signs on the road in the park.  Everyone is familiar with these signs.  We have deer warning signs very near our house.  But in this case, the park signage people were not kidding.  You can see that in the next two photos.  We ended up breaking and stopping for quite a few animals while in Chobe National Park.

The last photo is an “unofficial sign” that some people have been drinking too much – to be standing out in the open in big game country…but we weren’t sleeping.