Kashawe Camp

Kashawe Camp was the last of our four safari camps on this trip to southern Africa.  Hwange National Park and Kashawe Camp are located in Zimbabwe.  Our guide said kashawe means “springs” but I didn’t see any springs in the area.  Of course, they have had multiple years of severe drought here.  This was probably my least favorite of the four camps but it was still a good stop for us.  In some ways, we were disappointed that everything was so dry and looked a bit bleak.  But we had some friends that took this same trip to here in June and they said we were lucky to come when we did.  The area was green and growing when they were here and consequently, they didn’t get to see very many animals as the animals were in the woods and since all the trees and bushes in full leaf condition, they simply couldn’t see the animals.  So while the area was dry and looked a bit desolate, we did get to see plenty of game in Hwange National Park. 

Vicky and Cory are getting some refreshments in the main building.  The dining table is to the left and the bar is right behind Cory.  They had nice big over-sized couches and comfortable seating areas and we could see game right from here.

Vicky is in our tent.  This tent was about middle sized but we had plenty of room for everything.  The shower and toilet are in the back of the tent, behind the door.

The camp staff often decorated our tents far beyond my expectations for a safari tent cabin.  Those are our bath towels folded to look like elephants.

Vicky and I are enjoying our front porch at the end of our tent.

Cory took this photo from the porch of her tent.  It was a ways down the hill but we saw several different groupings of game, but mostly zebras and impalas.