More Zambezi River Activity

This was some of the other activity going on while we watched the elephant parade crossing the Zambezi River.

The first photo is one I took from the helicopter the next morning.  Look at the upper most portion of the river on the left side, then look down to the triangular portion of land and that’s the edge of the island where the elephants went into the river last night.  From there, they walked across the river in a southeast direction until they reached the mainland.

But as the elephants were crossing the Zambezi, we heard loud noises coming from the other side of our boat.  We looked over and saw several pods of hippos including this pod of about a dozen, all close together.

Then as we looked back to the elephants, we saw more wildlife.  In the foreground of this photo, you can see one of the several crocodiles that were swimming around the area of the elephants and our boat.

This hippo photo will help explain some of the loud noises that we heard.

We watched the elephants crossing the river until sundown.  Several more elephants showed up right about that time, but they deemed it too late to cross and looked disappointed to have missed out on the river crossing.  It was a great evening on the Zambezi River and a great ending to our southern Africa safari adventure.