More Hwange Animals


These are more animal photos from Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.

Giraffe’s live in Hwange in large numbers but we never saw more than a few at once.  Most of our sightings were like this one, where we only saw part of the giraffe.

This is a Kudu, like the photograph at the entrance to Hwange National Park.  I loved the horns on the Kudu.

We got to see this parade of elephants clearly because they were leaving a water hole and walking up a dry riverbed.  There was about a dozen in all.

This is the same lion from two posts ago.  But now you can see that he got some company: a jackal and just to the jackal’s right, a vulture.  There were lots more vultures in the area as well.

This Yellow-billed Stork seems to be enjoying the view from high in a tree.  They are another very large stork that likes to sit high up in tall trees.