Hike to Farol Lighthouse

     On this afternoon, we drove along the coast to take a hike along the coast. Our hike was about one hour from the parking lot to the Farol Lighthouse and then another hour back. The whole trail was volcanic rock and right along the cliffs over the ocean. It was really hot since there was almost no vegetation. It would have been much more beautiful if we hadn't still had the Sahara sands following us. 

     Our guide strongly suggested that no one take this hike unless they are in excellent shape. I scoffed at the idea that they would even let us take a dangerous hike. The truth of it was that it did have some high steps but the real problem was lots of loose rock or gravel, sometimes on top of solid rock. That made some steps like stepping on ice. We got spread out on our hike and especially me as I stopped often to take photos. Still, I saw two of our fellow hikers take serious falls on their faces. It was not hard to do.

     In the first two photos, I'm about halfway out on the hike. The first photo is looking back to where we started and the second looks to the Farol Lighthouse, our destination.

The next two photos are just trail photos. Vicky still has on her pink hat. Looking down to the ocean, we could occasionally see manta rays and turtles come to the surface.

I included the next photo for a reason. Look at the woman in front of Vicky. Can you see how high she has to lift her leg in order to get up that high step. There were lots of high steps and while it was hard going up them, it was much more dangerous going down them, especially hitting loose gravel at the bottom.

You can see that we are approaching the lighthouse. We had to go up quite a way and then back down to the lighthouse. Then, we had to go back up again on the way back.

We reached the lighthouse and then had to climb up 50 steep steps to get to the top. We were told it was a glorious view, without the Sahara sand. I think we could have seen several other islands if not for the sand. Vicky is at the top waving.