Kachikally Crocodile Pool

     Our last stop this afternoon was the Kachikally Crocodile Pool and Museum. It was in Bakau which is about ten miles from Banjul. We were told that the crocodile-infested pool is used for sacred fertility rituals and would instill fertility in women. I told Vicky that I'd better not catch her dipping her toes in the pool. They said that there are about 100 crocodiles in the pool, which actually looks more like a giant mud puddle or pond. It was my understanding that these are a West African crocodiles.

     As we arrived, I was waiting for the group to get organized. I saw the fence around the crocodile pool (to the right) but then I noticed a large baobab tree with some guy loading a bunch of large bags next to it. I had time so I wandered over to check out the tree and see what the guy was loading. All of a sudden, I looked down and was about to step on a crocodile. You can see him below, but I came backwards to take this photo. The first time I saw him, I almost stepped on him. It was a close call.

You can see a croc in the pond below but many of the crocodiles were out laying on the roads, within the fenced area.

They told us we could pet the crocs if we wanted to, so of course, we did.

They had a museum too, but the crocs were the highlight. I did love the size of the fruit on the tree below though. They called it a cannonball tree.

Nothing like giving a crocodile a little scratch to keep him in slumberland.