Tanji Fish Processing

Once the fish come ashore from the fishing boats, many other people begin to work, processing the fish. We saw fish being hauled around the beach in wheelbarrows, buckets, and carriers of all sorts, such as the guy below with his wheelbarrow of fish.

Air drying the fish is one popular method of preserving the fish. We saw many fish drying areas with some on the ground and some up higher, like the one below.

Smoking the fish seemed to be the most prevalent method of preserving the fish. We were here at Tanji fairly early in the morning so the fish smokers weren't too busy yet. But in the photo below, you can see how many fish smoking ovens they have, right behind the beach.

We did get to see a couple of people working at a fish smoking oven in the next photo. They very carefully stack in as many fish as possible. They work quickly but I'm guessing that they have a lot of experience doing this. The following photo was some fish that had already been smoked.

We also saw many places back behind the fish smokers and dryers and much closer to the road that were just selling fish.

We also saw guys very near to the road that had fish for sale, but evidently mostly to wholesalers or fish deliverers. You can see a guy with fish for sale in the next photo. 

One customer of the above fish seller is the next guy who is loading up his basket on his motorcycle to haul somewhere to sell.