Chief of local Tribes

This was an interesting visit. It was a visit to a man who was alternately called the Prime Minister and a Chief, and who had previously been a King. Evidently, this man had been a king, back when this area had kingdoms. Since kingdoms are gone, he is now called a chief or prime minister. He is evidently the head of all the chiefs of all the tribes in this area of Benin. Having said all that, we certainly had an unusual visit here.

Below is a photo I took of his royal palace which is not where he lives but where he conducts business.

Below, the king, his queen (far left) and two others greeted us on our arrival. The two servants poured water on the ground for something which then meant that we walked through the mud to enter the palace. Still, it was nice to be welcomed.

    The whole event here was uplifting. It involved a lot of hokus-pokus, singing, chanting, and offering. There must have been thirty women in the king's court who performed, sang, played various musical objects, and danced about. The "offering" was a snack of bitter cola nuts and schnapps. Yes, schnapps is an alcoholic drink. 

Towards the end of this event, the king and queen invited everyone up to join in the dancing. You can well imagine who the first one to join in was.

We eventually got our own introduction to the Chief. He also did a question and answer session and he seemed genuinely wise by his answers and also by the questions that he asked us.