Dakar's Kermel Market

     The Kermel Market is only a block away from Independence Square, so in the heart of the city. It appears to be an old market. It didn't look that big to me from the outside but inside, it opened up to be a substantial market. Kermel has loads of souvenirs, clothing, wood carvings, jewelry, and more. I was much more interested in the food market. It's a big grocery store for food with fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. 

     You can see the Kermel Market below. While it was interesting, I wasn't overly impressed. The only part of the market that really impressed me was the fish market area, so that's what I'm going to include in this post.

It was hard not to be impressed with the shrimp and the crabs in the Kermel Market.

They had lots of different fish in the fish market area, but I wasn't able to find out what kind of fish were for sale. I liked the color on these fish.

They also had piles of oysters, mussels, and clams. They all looked good to me.

And finally, some more fish. These weren't the biggest ones but they looked tasty.