Shopping in Reverse

Our local guides told us that in Ghana, people usually don't "go shopping." They said that for the most part in Ghana, the "shopping comes to you."

For example, they said that people don't wake up, eat breakfast, and drive to work. Instead, they wake up, drive to work, and eat along the way.

Whether you want to eat something, drink something, or purchase a dry good, it will be offered to you.

Every time there was a red light or a traffic stoppage, there were people selling their goods. You could get anything you wanted.

Below was an area nowhere near a red light but I am certain that it's a place where the traffic regularly comes to a stop, which is not uncommon in Ghana.

While there are shops selling the same goods along the road, should someone want to stop and shop, these vendors (mostly women) sell to those that don't want to make a stop but just want to make a quick purchase. Below you can see these ladies waiting, followed by a van pulled to a stop.

The photo below was in town at a line of cars stopped for a red light. This was a red-hot selling spot.

The woman below was well out in the country. But even way out in the country, there are regular traffic stoppages due to all the traffic and poor roadways.