Kobuk Valley NP to Kotzebue flight

Our planes were scheduled to pick us up in Kobuk Valley at 9:00 am.  Andrew’s and April’s plane got there about 9:45 am.  Our plane didn’t arrive until 10:30 am.  The weather was stormy and raining lightly and we spent the time waiting in our camp tent.  As we finally climbed into our plane and before takeoff, I got out my camera.  Our pilot, a rather opinionated fellow and pretty sure he was always right, told me to put my camera away.  He said the weather was bad and I wouldn’t be getting any photos this trip.  I didn't put my camera away and he told me two more times to put it down that I was just wasting my time.

As Vicky, or anyone else who knows me can tell you, I didn’t follow his orders and put my camera down.  I kept my camera handy and kept a sharp eye out during our flight. 

You can see the results of my camera work during this flight from Kobuk Valley back to Kotzebue.  I also got plenty of rainbow photos but chose these for the different looking landscapes that we passed.

Leaving Kobuk Valley National Park

Leaving Kobuk Valley National Park
