More Dune Sliding

I didn’t keep track of how many dunes we slid down but it was probably six to eight times.  I know that I didn’t get tired of it, though hiking up the dunes was a chore sometimes.

We liked this dune so much that we hiked up twice and slid down it twice.  It was steep and fast sliding.

Vicky must have taken these photos.  I think she felt like she had hiked up enough dunes for one day.


Each of us had our dune technique, which we changed occasionally.  April got going surprisingly well for a butt slide.  Andrew always topped out with speed on his chest dive.  I was just happy running wild and crazy.


After it was all over, two slides that is, you can see the results.  They include some slide changes during a run and some flopping and falling if you know how to read the sand. 


Lest anyone worry that we scarred the dunes this way, the wind would wipe our tracks away in a day if not less.