More Micro Photos

Once again, the ground that we crossed over on our hike up to Mount Bosworth was stunning.  We all spent quite a bit of time just looking down at our feet and the ground beneath us.

The first photo is not straight down but outwards a bit.  The colors and textures in such a small area never ceased to impress me.


The second photo is a micro photo.  The plant in the center would fit easily in the palm of my hand.  But again, the intricate colors and textures…


I took the third photo because this is actually a few down trees.  You can still see a few bits of the tree’s bark.  But the trees are being overrun and covered by the plants.


Another down tree is in the fourth photo.  I’m not sure what those plants are but I was impressed with them.  You can see that this trunk will eventually disappear from sight as well.


One more time in the fifth photo.  I saw April’s boot disappear into the ground and asked her to stop while I took this photo.  She took a step and the ground just swallowed up her foot.  The ground was not very wet so our boots never got muddy.  It was just soft and spongy.  Our boots didn’t disappear into the ground on most steps but it was not unusual either.  Most of the time, our boots went down just a few inches but we could still see them. 


The green stuff in the last photo was quite intriguing.  This is a small area but not a super micro photo. 
